
Jackal427 t1_jeegs5n wrote

> More insults…

That's quite a thin skin you've got there sport. I kid lol.

If you can't handle a little cajoling without flying off the handle then I'm sorry for provoking you my dude. I can see how without proper context and actively playing it out as a joke that would be rude and it won't happen again.


Jackal427 t1_jeede49 wrote

> That said, have you anything to offer me in the form of factual critique over my statements?

This has already been done all over this comment section. If you still don’t understand how your claims are factually incorrect (apparently you don’t) then there’s probably no hope for your last 2 brain cells.


Jackal427 t1_jeebc6u wrote

> I'm a Texas business owner with family ties to oil across the southwest, I'm about as far alligned economically R as it gets.

LOL, good joke

Not doing it for a political agenda is even worse, because it implies you’re actually just stupid enough to think what you’re saying is true.

Name checks out, you’re full of shit


Jackal427 t1_jed371x wrote

Gonna have to record this stupidity for when this guy deletes his comment.

> If you all took the time to do a single Google search you'd see that the Bureau of Land Management is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior, and as such, it is accountable to Congress through the Secretary of the Interior.

One single google search later:

> The Department of the Interior is headed by the secretary of the interior, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet.


Jackal427 t1_jecq51e wrote

> US Department of the Interior

> executive branch

This wasn’t congress, numnuts, you’d know that if you read the article

OP is literally quoting the article header, and CNN says the same thing

You’re a doofus, and this comment section is bots

Edit: CNN has even more detail

> The administration was forced to hold the sale after Joe Manchin (D) added it to the Inflation Reduction Act, the major climate and energy bill that President Joe Biden signed last year.

Damn those republicans