
JackyVeronica t1_je57ttk wrote

> I remember a room that was just full of children's shoes. So creepy.

In this same thread, I read the blog with photos of inside. Indeed creepy. But what got me was your 'children's shoes' comment, when I was reading the comments from the blog..... This one in particular. And many other comments on that website with child abuse recollections from people who used to be patients there:

AnonymousApril 11, 2014 at 10:29 AM Not sure why but my previous comment today posted or seemed to and is no longer here. I am the person who's story ABNJ referred to sending a chill down his spine. My post said I was at a loss for words and encouraged anyone who was abused here look online as they will find at least one other person also seeking justice. The name of the place I was in out behind this hospital was "The Essex County Emergency Children's Shelter". There was also a ward for disabled kids in the hospital, I think 4th floor, that was run by a "private" firm for the County. The main hospital building was only partially occupied since the 50's maybe earlier and the open part was used as the County Geriatric Center until it closed in the 70's. This is why some pics of the place look like very old decay and some look like its only a couple decades since abandonment. Weird note; One of the guys who bought it is the son of a guy who was a buddy of my dad.