
Jaedos t1_ja0wxpb wrote

Go look up how the lottery works.

If we didn't do this, the lottery wouldn't exist. What is won is usually only half or less of what was actually bought in. The other portion of the money goes to fund all sorts of shit.

It's literally state-sponsored gambling even in states that van gambling.


Jaedos t1_j9tpx1r wrote

I found the judge's statement. I knew you can't have an expectation of privacy in a public setting.

"As to the wiretapping charges (contained in Counts one and two, which alleged the interception and dissemination of a “private conversation”), Judge Plitt found that police have no expectation of privacy in their public, on-the-job communications, and thus held Graber’s conduct could not be a crime: “The encounter in this case took place on a public highway in full view of the public. Under such circumstances, I cannot, by any stretch, conclude that the Troopers has any reasonable expectation of privacy in the conversation with the Defendant which society would be prepared to recognize as reasonable.”"



Jaedos t1_j9hjf0k wrote

Imagine if Disney decided to scorch earth "their" IPs so a mercenary CEO could get a bigger bonus. SEARS and Toys R Us at least had physical real estate to deal with. All some prick has to decide with IP is that, say, no one gives a shit about Marvel or Starwars anymore.

Pop! Gone. No more comic books, no more Jedis. Anything they get their hands on they burn and throw in the trash.

It's a fucking joke.


Jaedos t1_j9hirzk wrote

A lot of things were created by the companies themselves and/or the creators are dead. The reason there should be a public aspect is because it's public money that is back filling the write off. But ya, for things where the rights were bought from individuals or the studios of origin, something should be done to wrap them in.

Saddest fucking thing was the post where the creator of a cartoon found years of work and dozens of episodes just fucking gone all so some bastards could get a discount.


Jaedos t1_j20i9v4 wrote

"In a lab, these atomic clocks cover a table or several tables, Safronova said, but portable atomic clocks have been developed that can fit into a van. NASA’s Deep Space Atomic Clock is even smaller — about the size of a toaster."

Sharper Image standing behind a pillar rubbing it's hands at the new catalog fodder it's going to be able to offer time enthusiasts.


Jaedos t1_iyfd7uz wrote

Keep arguing with IRL people in my tech circles who refuse to acknowledge that Melon isn't the engineering genius he claims to be. Even with the Twitter shit show, they're doubling down.

No, Melon has had entire teams of people whose sole job it was to keep him from being a fucking liability while at Tesla and SpaceX. He doesn't have that at Twitter and it fucking shows.

He's like the boss who grew up with a garage band he loves, but then he got a roadie (.. thats not right... Word for band obsessed fan?) pregnant, dissolved the band, and spent the next twenty years moving up the ranks of his dad's company even when he wasn't qualified. He's making money now, but everyone hates him, he hates himself, his kids and ex hate him, so all he has left in life is to make more money than everyone around him.

The best thing Melon could do is put someone smart in charge of Twitter, and then just go on a year long sabbatical, change his face, and go make some actual friends. Poor fuck is surrounded by yes-men and has no actual friends.


Jaedos t1_itotp2e wrote

I need to check the version I've read because either it's been so long since I've read it that I'm forgetting this all went on, or it wasnt in the version I read.

I have such a massive back log of books to read, I shouldn't be putting this back into it again. I've already read it like four times in the past 15 years. :)