
JaggedMetalOs t1_jabnvfm wrote

It can, but some now common graphical special effects and lighting techniques don't work because they need to know which pixel belongs to exactly which object on screen, while that gray pixel is part of both the black and the white object.

It's kind of complex, but generally thought the overall look with those effects without antialiasing is better than without the effects but with antialiasing.

There are workarounds that give something similar to real antialiasing that work with those effects, or if you have lots of GPU power but a low res monitor you can do what OP asks and Renee a larger screen that you realize down.


JaggedMetalOs t1_jabnco7 wrote

Mip-mapping is slightly different - it's automatically using smaller versions of textures for far away objects, which speeds up rendering and makes the distant textures look better as the GPU isn't good at scaling textures down more than 2x.

What OP is talking about is better described as antialiasing.


JaggedMetalOs t1_j31avgw wrote

The problem is you get terrible performance because the cooler isn't working, so the chip gets hot and slows itself right down to prevent damage.

Current theory is there isn't enough liquid in the vapor chamber so it stops working when the chip heats up.


JaggedMetalOs t1_j1xg3vx wrote

"Manufacturing" in orbit doesn't reallyv make sense, you'd need to launch not only 100% the weight of the spacecraft (so already you've not saved any money) but also the weight of the equipment to build the spacecraft and possibly even more weight of extra material for any waste in the manufacturing process.

What would make sense is if you have a spacecraft larger than a single launch you can launch in multiple parts and connect them in orbit, or setting up manufacturing on the moon where you have access to lots of raw materials so don't have the launch cost of those.


JaggedMetalOs t1_izs9bag wrote

It's not unusual to loose sense of your position if you don't move for a while, but trust me if you can touch your fingers together or touch your nose with your eyes closed then your proprioception is working, you wouldn't be able to do that without looking if it wasn't.


JaggedMetalOs t1_iykj5h2 wrote

They seem to be claiming that the Viking 1 probe landed on a site where a proposed mega tsunami from the impact hit, which would have deposited ocean sediment which contained evidence for life which they think explains the soil experiment results the Viking landers got.

Though I think this might be a bit far fetched given how long ago the impact must have been and how much weathering would have taken place since.


JaggedMetalOs t1_iy1mkcw wrote

That's not believed to be good evidence of past life on Mars because the objects are tiny, much smaller than any known terrestrial bacteria. Researchers were also able to produce similar shapes using non-biological methods.

It's still possible these are some kind of life much smaller than earth life, but it's thought unlikely.


JaggedMetalOs t1_ixtza8l wrote

> File extensions don't actually matter, they're for humans, not computers. More or less.

Well, I wouldn't say that. They are used (in Windows) to decide what icon to use and what program to open it with when you double click.

Technically Windows could look inside every file to decide this, but that would be much slower when listing files in a folder.

Also while most applications will check the contents of a file while opening it, some assume a format based on the file extension (eg. LibreOffice will always open .csv as a text csv file, even if the file is actually an xls/ods)


JaggedMetalOs t1_ixtyswp wrote

> Because that would mean that renaming an executable to an .jpg and having someone open it in said software, executes the file.

This couldn't happen, an exe file can't just run when loaded by a piece of software it would have to be explicitly interpreted as an executable program which Windows does to files named .exe but which some random image viewer wouldn't if you renamed it to jpeg.

Instead if would just check the file contents against the image formats it knows, and then give up when it doesn't find a match.


JaggedMetalOs t1_iv3fms1 wrote

Weird how someone with a net worth of $200 billion and loves to go on about helping humanity can't find $100 million to "pay" for this.

And I put "pay" in quotes because they claim the dishes cost $2,500 per month, yet they can run their consumer service for closer to $100 per month.

Almost sounds a bit like extortion, doesn't it?


JaggedMetalOs t1_iuhe9nb wrote

The special telomere repairing protein (telomerase) is active in Humans. It's what resets the telomere length in embryos, and it's also active (but not enough to fully replenish them) in any body tissues that need to regenerate.

One place it's fully active is in cancer cells. It's theorized one of the functions of shortening telomeres is to prevent cancer, because any cancer starting to grow will burn through its telomeres and die, unless the cancer cell is able to mutate to repair its telomeres.