
JakeTurk1971 t1_j8tew8s wrote

The aesthetic of that movie and the other great "working class stiffs in space" movie, the original Alien, largely defined my childhood "what I want to do when I grow up" fantasy (Alien minus the title character, or Outland minus the drugs). "Alien if the Nostromo had never stopped at LV 426" wouldn't make for a very exciting movie, but it would've been my childhood fantasy of being an adult. The literally fatal flaw to Outland is that it's set on Io, which is inside Jupiter's radiation belt, so unless every individual miner was in a suit with more lead than a bank vault, mining on Io would be like mining the inside of a microwave oven running 24/7. If Outland ever gets a remake, an asteroid would be a better setting, or at least Callisto (the only one of Jupiter's four big moons safely outside of the radiation zone). And no, this doesn't negate the much-discussed possibility of life on J's other two big moons, Ganymede and Europa, because the hypothesis there is life in deep underground oceans safely insulated by miles and miles of surface ice. TL/DR I want to be a space trucker.