
JakobtheRich t1_j58gwq0 wrote

This judge is handing down life in prison for transporting a cow with the intent to kill it. Mutilating or killing an animal in the US generally carry’s a charge of like a year in prison.

Attempted murder of another human being has a charge of up to ten years under Indian law, so arguably this is a charge more severe than if there had been humans being transported.


JakobtheRich t1_ixwmf87 wrote

I mean I feel like that it makes it more likely because there are tons of opium poppies around, I could see seeds blowing all over the place.

I would doubt that Tasmania has much of an illegal opium production problem because it seems like a horrible place to try and run an illegal market out of because it’s super far away from like 98% of the worlds population and there are no land routes to anywhere.