
James0nJuiceb0x t1_j1izcq3 wrote

> Bi partisan committee, lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s. Both self proclaimed anti Trumpers since before the election.

So they couldn't possibly be members of that party just because they spoke up against a singular "member" of it? Okay.


James0nJuiceb0x t1_j02jgqf wrote

> It just seems odd that someone would purchase something, that requires driving hours to use and enjoy.

I mean, I don't think it's odd at all that people sometimes need to travel to better locations to indulge in their hobbies.

Sometimes I drive 2+ hours to fish a certain lake for something - is that odd?


James0nJuiceb0x t1_ivzxidc wrote

> Completely legally irrelevant but adding to my frustration is that this clearly wasn't a crash scene or emergency of any kind, but because the officer was giving someone else a ticket.

As long as the cops lights were flashing, the law applies. Its intent is to protect those stopped and/or working along the road.