
JamesMackenzie1234 t1_j4u9467 wrote

Mate every game is cloud saved so you won't loss data and if your really picky on some old game just look it up. So when you get a new xbox just sign in and start redownloading your games, if you have an external hard drive you can plug it into your new xbox so you don't have to redownload some of the games although a lot will want to be enhanced.


JamesMackenzie1234 t1_iz5ak4x wrote

I would say switch, I had Nintendo in the past and now have xbox. The switch has a lot more games for kids their ago and when they are older you can get them an xbox in how ever many years and the switch doesn't have very many tiles that aren't appropriate for there ago were as the xbox does. They both have mincraft and sure the xbox does have roblox but the switch had all the different Mario games. In the end the switch is more appropriate for their age but the xbox is more future proof.