
Jay_Derkin t1_jbqtyah wrote

Oh man it really depends on a lot of factors. I’d say if you want to aim for close to a 100% safe trip then once most of the snow is melted across the state, give it 2-3 more weeks and you’ll likely be fine. I’ve had some trips over the kanc where I didn’t follow that advice and things got a bit dicey around certain corners even at low speeds.


Jay_Derkin t1_jb14fs5 wrote

A vehicle breaking down every few months doesn’t sound like a dealer issue though, that sounds like you may think dealers have a crystal ball and know what cars will break down in the future even though they have no issues now. Not trying to be a dick with that either, I just don’t know how else to put it. I’d be more upset at the car manufacturer for making a lousy product.

As for the other points you listed, I didn’t have to deal with predatory financing as I could afford what I wanted, but that’s shitty if what you say is true.


Jay_Derkin t1_j9u9nws wrote

Call a tow company and tell them there’s an abandoned vehicle on your property. They’ll impound it and go after the last registered owner. I just had to do this with a similar situation on my property. No cost at all to me, the go after the owner for everything.


Jay_Derkin t1_j5gcmof wrote

What you need to understand is that “nice guys” ask this question about 15x a week. Almost every single time any one of us has given a spot to the newest “nice guy” it has gotten absolutely trashed either by them, their stupid friends, or them passing said spot on to assholes.

So many of the nice spots to shoot have been destroyed by guys who say the same things on the same posts. You’re barking up the wrong tree asking here. Scout out some good spots for yourself and then keep them private if you want them to last. I’m not upset at you per se, but it’s annoying seeing people day in and day out being pissy that nobody will give them their spots to shoot. Do like everyone else and put the work in to scout out a spot.