
JebusLives42 t1_ix6d306 wrote

When I landed in San Jose I hopped in a private cab. I asked the driver what they eat.

"Rice for breakfast, beans for lunch, rice and beans for dinner."

I ordered a steak one day.. and there's lots of real cattle where I live, never any touble to find a good cut of beef. Costra Rica beef was sad, saaaaaad in comparison.

.. and since I live nowhere near the ocean, I decided to enjoy the fresh seafood. 👍


JebusLives42 t1_iscd93t wrote

I think you missed my meaning.

You're going to pay a dollar in taxes.

They're going to spend that dollar on solar panels.

Then they're going to give you the dollar back.. but how? They've already spent it.


JebusLives42 t1_iscahsg wrote

>But they are giving us that money back, come tax season.

No, they're not. They money they spent on solar panels will not be refunded to you.

It's possible they'll print other dollars, and give those to you.. but that also has some interesting consequences.


JebusLives42 t1_isb2fk0 wrote

Credit Suisse produces a lot of very useful reports. The world is better for having this information.

Their solvency issues, and other questionable dealing don't really have any bearing on the value of this specific report.


JebusLives42 t1_ir3gcgs wrote

>Yes, I know they're not the only ones

You can take every single point above and apply it to America, a couple of them require a simple word substitution.

  • Using tech for weapons development
  • Attempting to end install democracies
  • Supporting Creating an authoritarian government with a lifelong ruler, then killing said ruler 25 years later.
  • Using slave labor
  • Attempting usurpation of South China Sea earth
  • Allying itself with Russia
  • Undermining human rights globally
  • Building a surveillance state