
Jeom049 OP t1_ja61j1t wrote

Thanks so much, I do believe the last part you said. That's our plan. To be honest a lot of it is speculation and future income hopes. I know how it sounds.... However I did pretty well financial selling cars and I decided to go in Different path. If everything goes as planned I will be able to give her that life and more with a way better car, even if I have to do payments (I can say I know how to control my budget and do "wise" purchases when it comes to cars) Buying a car right now out right is the best decision, unfortunately I don't control interests and I don't feel comfortable gifting her a car right now.


Jeom049 OP t1_ja60we3 wrote

It was never intended to be. It was mainly about current lease prices and if what I was sharing in the post made sense to what's in the market out there for leases. The other thing that bothers me is the rate, rates are crazy high right now. I could be betting that the rates go back to that 3-5 percent on a used car. But maybe I'm wrong


Jeom049 OP t1_ja6071n wrote

its going to be fairly the same as if I were to finance the car (at the end of the 3rd year) plus I would be tied to a higher interest rate, Whereas with the lease I can refinance with a 3-4 percent IF rates tank in the next 3 years. Most likely whatever we do We will get rid of the car on the 3rd year but uncertainty of the market is whats making me think leasing could work


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5wzi1 wrote

That's my point Part of me believes I will be upside down. I strongly believe everything will crash. especially with Gold going up like crazy in the past couple of months. Plus If I purchase I would be tied to a contract with a high interest rate. where as if I were to keep the lease I could purchase at the end at a way lower rate If the market tanks... Still I want to get my girl a way better car in 3 years from now. The only reason why I'm considering leasing is because I fear an 2023 LE corolla with 30-40k miles will probably be bought by dealers or auction around 12-13k like you mentioned to be sold at 14-16k (dealers gotta have that 1-2k mark up most of the time lol)


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5webs wrote

the same corolla I bought for 15k 19 SE with 21k miles, was worth 18,500 and had 34k miles when I sold it a year ago. they are still at those numbers and some even have higher mileage. You think the prices are gonna hold for the next 3 years? I honestly doubt it, and we seem to be approaching a huge crash in the next year or so. That's what im speculating on. If the market tanks and I decide to finance the corolla, I would be owing around 14-15k at the end of the 3rd year, I'm worried I won't be given my payoff amount for the car at the least...thats what is making me consider leasing.


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5sfnp wrote

this car I'm asking everyone about is not for me. my girlfriend's family is buying her a car. But I know I will get her a better one once my financial situation is better. I just hate the idea of loosing money in the future. I know eventually Before the 4 year mark I will buy her something nicer such as an audi or bmw.... Knowing how prices for cars are so high, and knowing 2 years ago you could get 4k under msrp I have a feeling I'll be upside down if I Finance the car