
Jer_Cough t1_jaewd4g wrote

If you have a drill, the brush is only $30 at Home Depot. Took me all of 15 minutes to clean mine out (about 25ft of solid vent pipe), including disconnecting one section at a 90deg bend


Jer_Cough t1_ja8rc5z wrote

CoL is insanely high here. That said, when I worked for Gentle Giant Movers, there were a bunch Irish and Scottish dudes on the crews who were over here for the season. For housing they packed themselves deep in shared apartments and toughed it out. If you're interested in that kind of work, contact the main GG office and someone will have a bunch of info for you. They make a point to hire guys from your neck of the woods as well as Lithuania. Strong fuckers, the lot of you.


Jer_Cough t1_j8rie3w wrote

Reply to Joint Lease by [deleted]

Feelings of what you 'should' be responsible for are immaterial. Your lease likely has the phrase "jointly and severely" in it. That means YOU are legally on the hook for their portion of the rent next month. You need to tell your landlord what's going on ASAP so they can help find replacements. Of course you should go after the roommies in court if you end up being out of pocket for their share but I would personally do everything I can to just wash my hands of them and get somebody else in their rooms.


Jer_Cough t1_j29qc0g wrote

Seems I saw this same headline only a couple years ago. Technically the headline is correct in that 2-3 years is plural but the MA state legislators don't go without an annual raise. Invariably it's well above the typical 2-3% most people get (if they get one at all). Nice to see that massive surplus going to good pockets, err use...I guess.


Jer_Cough t1_j28ynnc wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x

I've already curtailed my restaurant visits because for all but the highest end places, the experience is not worth the price anymore. Shrimp scampi for $29 and an absurdly priced drink before tax and tip? No thanks. One benefit is that I've knocked the rust off my cooking chops and some good stuff is coming out of my kitchen lately.


Jer_Cough t1_j1wc8gz wrote

If you don't need to jump in a car tonight, look at the various drive-away companies (that's just one of them). You drive someone else's vehicle cross-country for them. Friends have done this in the past and it's a great, cheap way to travel if you don't have a tight itinerary.


Jer_Cough t1_j161gsz wrote

I assume you are asking a question here...

Give Jim Anderson Stained Glass a call. He's on Tremont St in the South End. They do amazing restoration work.