
Jeremyg93 t1_iw4sjbl wrote

Well one, you didn’t just say that it’s stupid that people have to fight for their rights. You said its stupid people still have to fight for rights in 2022.

I think it’s also arguable that there is no situation where it’s stupid to fight for your rights, even when you already have them comfortably. There is danger in assuming there is an after-we’re done phase to this. In reality it could just as well be an unending struggle.

And also there is no arbitrary time table for these things to happen. We should expect to fight these things our entire lives. Any expectations otherwise are not reasonable.


Jeremyg93 t1_iw1fzno wrote

I think it’s probably this:

> …it's sad that it's 2022 and people are still having to fight for equal rights, women's rights, voter rights, etc. Really stupid that there are so many people that want to turn back the clock on progression…

Your framing here suggests a few things that are questionable.

You kind of suggest that there is something natural, almost preordained, about social ‘progression,’ when in reality, there is no point where these things are somehow immune to being destroyed by hate, corruption, and selfishness. Humanity will always be in a struggle to prevent these things. There is not some end-point to history.

Even in a world where we finally have absolute equality and prosperity for all, you still need the vigilance to maintain a just world and prevent retraction. Human culture is always mailable, for better as well as worse. In this way, there is nothing special about the year 2022.
