Jethromancer t1_iym9jrr wrote
Reply to comment by RoughOyster in After that wind I’m proud to fly the “real” Maine flag… by disposition00
You dont live near Calvary Cemetery in SoPo do you? Yesterday I was there and spotted the roof of a shed poking up out of the water like a sunk ship.
Jethromancer t1_ixoipx0 wrote
Reply to comment by DidDunMegasploded in Happy Thanksgiving, Maine. Remember, McDonald’s is there for you today… by LordHamburguesa1
Did you know you could cook whatever you want?
Jethromancer t1_j7n6qz2 wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Roads of Northern Maine by WebsterAshburton
They? You speak as if people live in those frozen wastelands