
Jetlaggedz8 t1_jdmk5yv wrote

The original bill that imposes the state excise tax on capital gains which you support uses the same language. "Federal" is used extensively.

The state imposes its capital gains tax using the amount of capital gains reported on the federal income tax return. The state then allows certain additional deductions or exclusions. That's why there are references to the federal capital gains tax, it's the starting point for computing whether you need to file a state return.

Your proof is right here: NEW SECTION. Sec. 309. PERSONS REQUIRED TO FILE A STATE RETURN. 33 (1) Only individual and joint taxpayers with federal net long-term 34 capital gains or net earnings from self-employment of sole 35 proprietors in excess of $15,000 on their federal tax return are 36 required to file a capital gains tax return with the department.

The capital gains tax return is the WA state excise tax return, and the Department is the WA state Department of Revenue. The WA State legislature has no authority over federal capital gains taxes.

This draft bill lowers the threshold from $250K to $15K.


Jetlaggedz8 t1_jdmcngl wrote

Do yourself a favor and open the health care bill that you linked and read it (since you haven't). Or save yourself some time and search through it for "capital gain". The funding mechanism for the bill is as an expansion of the capital gains tax. You are so quick to try and win an internet argument and dunk on me but I've done my research and actually know what I'm talking about, you clearly read the title of the bill only.

"Capital gain" is mentioned in the bill that has "nothing" to do with capital gains 34 times. 🤣

This biennium legislative cycle will pick up again next year, this bill wasn't moving because the state legislature was waiting for the WA State Court's opinion. They didn't want to pass this if the bottom falls out of the capital gains tax. Now that this opinion has been published, they are free to push this through.


Jetlaggedz8 t1_jdkf9tl wrote

I guess that I don't need to wait a whole year to "scare" you with "that logic."

See you in a year when this passes! Have fun paying a flat % excise tax on your wages. You sure showed the rich who's boss.
