
JigglypuffSquirtle t1_iy1dy3f wrote

I wonder if it depends on the book. I have zero experience with that site but when I've ordered from some places, I will notice a huge difference between how fast some things send. I ordered off another place a while ago, I got some children's books as well as a recipe book for myself and another book, they all took different times to ship. I think it's to do with different warehouses.

Though, maybe it is just your mail carrier hating you. šŸ˜›


JigglypuffSquirtle t1_iy1dm6a wrote

I didn't know that. I used them a few times because book depository points you there if they don't have a book.

I had one book not show up from there and the seller did refund me and sent an apology. It ended in this

"We hope that once the book comes, you will still be able to use it and find much enjoyment from it. If I can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me again." God that irritated me. It also never showed up and it has been a year.