
Jinan_Dangor t1_je9e00f wrote

How'd you reach that conclusion? There are dozens of solutions to climate change right in front of us, the biggest opposition to these solutions is the people whose industries make them rich by destroying our planet. This is 100% an issue that can be solved by humans alone, with or without AI tools.

And why do you assume anything close to a 50% chance of paradise when AGI arrives? We literally already live in a post-scarcity society where the profits of automation and education are all going straight to the rich to make them richer, who's to say "Anyone without a billion dollars to their name shouldn't be considered human" won't make it in as the fourth law of robotics?

Genuinely: if you're scared about things like climate change, go look up some of the no-brainer solutions to it we already have that you as a voter can push us towards (public transport infrastructure is a great start). Hoping for a type of AI that many experts believe won't even exist for another century to save us from climate change takes up time you could be spending helping us achieve the very achievable goal of halting climate change!


Jinan_Dangor t1_je9bsg6 wrote

>The more intelligent a person is, the more they have empathy towards others.

What are your grounds for this? There are incredibly intelligent psycopaths out there, and they're in human bodies that came with mirror neurons and 101 survival instincts that encourage putting your community before yourself. Why would an AI with nothing but processing power and whatever directives it's been given be naturally more empathetic?