
Jkpoker13 t1_j1odtge wrote

I agree with this. Normally when parents don’t hear from kids- you expect them to randomly end up dead. (In scenario what was described- a week is a long time go no communication to Us parents when traveling overseas)

Ok now I’m not being super negative here but I feel it’s a big goof by the kid to not check up with his parents. When I go on vacation for a week across the country (us) or another country like Mexico which I did recently, I text one parent a day to let them know I’m still breathing and good. I think it’s really rude of the kid to not check with his parents every few days to let them know he’s ok. Is it that difficult to send a quick text saying “im ok”. It makes him and his family look a tad foolish when they have to complain to have their son searched for. Kid goofed. It’s nice to hear he is alive though. Idc what anyone says- I think the worst when parents don’t hear from their kid overseas for an extended time. It’s a lot different traveling overseas Vs just being in the US. Folks can say what they want but cops can be crooked in certain foreign countries. An American going missing also- nobody is going to care in Europe unless brought to their attention by the parents.


Jkpoker13 t1_iyf7ng3 wrote

I agree with this though but 5% is comically low. I know you are just making a point but folks should be maxing out 401k to the point they can afford.

You are basically putting money away for retirement and lowering your taxable income. Less money paid for taxes and more money in account for retirement- sign me up.

Basically you get to keep more of your money. I would rather make 80k and have 20k going into 401k Vs making 90k and having 8k go into 401k. I like the thought of keeping as much of my money away from income taxes or at least pay the least amount I can due to finagling.