
JodyMcAllister t1_jed0q25 wrote

Somebody complained about the Garden Greens awning because it had pictures of pot leaves. It's actually not against any law though, signage can have pictures of the plant, but apparently no words like weed, marijuana, etc. I'm not sure if they plan to repaint it with the pot leaves, or something else which no one should complain about.


JodyMcAllister t1_j0bol8v wrote

The cheaper ones you've seen, maybe... I live on Newark Ave (btw. Jersey & Barrow), not a luxury apartment, but I have a w/d in unit, central heat & air, lots of space, and a small secure foyer for packages. I pay less than $2k. About a year ago a broker I know was trying to rent a 1BR above the Pet Shop for $1800 (definitely not luxury). But there are deals around, have to look in the right places


JodyMcAllister t1_iwvmvar wrote

I mentioned in it in another post here, but remember when Jake Hudnut ran for city council a couple of years ago, while he's employed as the municipal prosecutor? He would've collected 2 full-time salaries from the city, and the mayor supported him.

I also remember (it wasn't that long ago) when the city council pay was around $35k a year, but now it's more like $65k... I can't remember, they keep voting themselves raises.