
Joffridus t1_j8yimqn wrote

Hey man, I’m 18 almost 19 myself, and I’ve felt the same thing.

As I started college and started working, I’ve kinda realized most people you meet in highschool fade away when you graduate. Most people take off on their own paths and only some friendships really last. I have maybe 1 - 2 friends left from school growing up, and we don’t get to hang out or talk all that often.

Most adult friendships are made during adulthood, people change a lot as they age but once you hit adulthood you tend to balance out a bit more. People I was friends with in middle/highschool I could never be friends with today due to how much different they are than before.

I feel you though man, but I promise you itlll get better, I’m still working on it myself. We just gotta look at things glass half full