
JohnFByers t1_j1abg98 wrote

I was lamenting to Hellenes who may have suffered their wives getting a pang for “gardumba” which is kinda like the Italians call involtini di fraggaglie di agnello — it’s mutton rolled up with offal and liver etc, using intestine as a wrapper and cooked over coals or in an old style baking oven. With potatoes, they love the potatoes.

So imagine she wants that on a Wednesday night and you have to drive out to the coast to the only tavern stupid enough to be open.

Enough to make a man wonder whether having an heir was a good idea.


JohnFByers t1_j1a5ddi wrote

Άντε τώρα Τετάρτη βράδυ να σου λέει «έχω όρεξη για γαρδούμπα» και να τρέχεις στη Βάρη στα καλά καθούμενα και να αναρωτιέσαι το τον ήθελα τον κληρονόμο.

I suspect non-Med people have a very different idea of what the Med diet actually is though…


JohnFByers t1_it1kqlg wrote

Temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression that generates cell lineages comprising interdependent cells with a common genome. Among the metazoans, Porifera have a totipotent and rudimentary stem cell system that still provides mechanisms of development and differentiation. Transdifferentiation remains differentiation and I just see it as the basis of cellular plasticity.

Having dabbled in PDZ domains (before they were named PDZ domains and we just called them discs-large-like domains), I was pleasantly surprised to see recently the discovery of essentially intact post-synaptic density components in a multicellular eukaryote lacking a nervous system — the signalling and scaffolding components were there nonetheless.

Granted, other mechanisms of cell signalling exist that do not rely on animal-style junctions. But the other criteria remain challenging. If we do impose a common genome limitation, which I am convinced is appropriate, then prokaryotes with their relatively widespread propensity toward lateral gene transfer will be even more challenging to accept as anything beyond colonial.