
JohnLaw1717 t1_jeez0de wrote

Here's some paragraphs I found within the articles:

"The legislation eases regulations on all but a handful of the nation’s largest banks, and marks a significant victory in Trump’s efforts to cut rules in a bid to spur economic growth."

"President Donald Trump signed the biggest rollback of bank regulations since the global financial crisis into law Thursday."


JohnLaw1717 t1_j1zh3kl wrote

Reply to comment by VisualMod in A goodbye to WSB by Glum_Mongoose_8482

>Sorry to hear about your losses, but don't worry - you're not alone. Many people have made similar mistakes and gone on to become successful gamblers. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and keep trying. I'm sure you'll be able to turn things around if you stay positive and continue working hard.