
JohnTomorrow t1_j5jnzt1 wrote

It's a great way to build muscle. It's not a great way to get into "shape". You'll get strong doing physical labour, but nobody goes to a construction site thinking they'll look like a superhero at the end of their shift.


JohnTomorrow t1_j5jnt71 wrote

Tradesman here, horticulturist specifically. I've probably planted more trees, dug more trenches and walked more distance than you've ever seen or experienced. Doing physical labour for a job doesn't mean you'll look like a superman. Sure, I'm a strong guy, that comes with it. But for years I was also grossly out of shape, due to lack of exercise and bad diet. You can dig retic all day long for five days a week, but if you have a pie and a sausage roll with a 600ml coke for smoko and lunch and don't do any exercise outside of work, you'll become a fat fuck.

I've recently started watching what I eat and exercising more regularly and I'm getting into better shape, and becoming stronger too. You're body adjusts to your day to day, you need external stimuli to grow outside of that.


JohnTomorrow t1_j5jmyrx wrote

You gotta focus on your core muscle group, then try again. I had back issues for years, started back into the gym a year ago and started doing core exercises, my back problems vanished almost overnight.