
Jon3141592653589 t1_j3o345f wrote

When it comes to the local options, they are possibly combining them into relatively large absolute snack units. When I lived in Utah, they had some sizable desserts, but they made a much bigger deal out of them. Less accessible (and, frankly, less delicious) than PA, but physically quite large upon delivery. Very different snacking community there, lol.


Jon3141592653589 t1_j0o5brt wrote

I think the advantage is they are very secure despite being a tire you can use year-round. A recent Jalopnik article also highlighted a review suggesting that they are great even as they age, too:


Jon3141592653589 t1_j0o2jb9 wrote

The CrossClimate 2 are really impressive. I got them for a FWD car that I drive between PA and FL, after a harrowing drive with "eco" tires following a hurricane, and while I haven't tried them in the snow yet they are far more secure in the rain than anything else I've driven, including high-performance summer tires.


Jon3141592653589 t1_j0ls1ew wrote

You might be too late. My wife went on a persimmon rampage about a month ago, with a very large quantity from a tall tree next to an old barn at her family's farm, and our house smelled ridiculous for over a week while she processed them. The remainder at the tree were approaching overripe at most recent check (and/or were not safely reachable).
If you're curious: Those that were slightly underripe were kept in boxes with red bananas until ready. Many were reduced to pulp and frozen for future projects. The lesser fruit ended up in too-healthy-tasting muffins and batches of astringent, grainy, and gelatinous spreads, which are pretty good on a ham-and-brie sandwich if that's your style. Meanwhile, the finer ones led to some amazing dessert items, in particular cookies, ice creams, etc. It was definitely a good season for persimmons, though.

Photographic evidence of astringent, grainy, gelatinous persimmon spreads (note how they haven't been eaten/gifted yet)...