
JonBonFucki t1_j5ueyr0 wrote

You made some wild conjecture here. I did not say that companies should not exist. But you cannot prove that a company needs to be a person in order to produce things. At least you have not tried to. People own companies. People can enter into contracts. People can be sued. The only thing a company getting to be a person does is protect the people that run the company from the liability of their actions.


JonBonFucki t1_j5t26cs wrote

it's a question of personhood outside of humanity. Can AI be sentient? Can animals evolve enough on this planet that they become sentient? What about aliens from other planets? Sure, if we are seeing them they built spaceships and came here but are they persons? Are they sentient? What does it even mean to be a person? Those are questions important to philosophy and they can be examined looking at animals on this planet here and now as well as these pie in the sky conceptual situations.