
JonDowd762 t1_jde6ht9 wrote

There's more free news content than ever before. Kids aren't falling out of love with reading because of a few paywalls. They aren't falling out of love with Marvel movies due to the Disney+ paywall either. They still enjoy legos, ice cream and video games despite those also costing money.

I get it, it's annoying to run into a paywall. But you can't blame them for every problem in the world.


JonDowd762 t1_jde4dsd wrote

The subtitle says it's not just the screens and if you read as far as the second paragraph she writes "screens surely play a large part in this". So let's not jump straight to conspiracy theories. It's possible that someone who write children's literature for a living is concerned and curious about the causes and isn't just acting as a corporate mouthpiece.

In recent years (since The Atlantic has been owned by Jobs) they've published articles like "The iPhone isn't Cool", "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" (answer: yes), "How Your Laptop Ruined Your Life", "I Won’t Buy My Teenagers Smartphones", and "The Dangerous Experiment on Teen Girls".

I don't know if Jobs has any editorial influence (and I doubt she does), but the magazine isn't some underhanded pro-screen propaganda machine.


JonDowd762 t1_j4wnqwo wrote

NH politicians overestimate how much the general population cares about the FITN primary.

But NH isn't going to move its primary. SC and GA aren't going to move theirs either. They would all require Republicans doing the bidding of the DNC. And I'm not sure why the DNC thinks holding delegates hostage is going to convince Sununu to change the law.

If the DNC really wants to move NH back in the schedule it's going to require some real threats, and possibly also the cooperation of the RNC.
