
Jpiff t1_ja4xp8c wrote

So since you seem familiar with taxes and how the city works in general.

My understanding is they give budgets to dept and if there is a balance left over at the end of the year they will reduce that dept budget.

Why not make it so you reward the dept that keep their finances in order oppose to force them to spend the budget?

What I’m saying is if I have a budget and it was an awesome year. I’m 5k under budget. I can’t just leave 5k in the budget because they will reduce it from my budget next year saying I don’t need it since I managed this year without it.

Why don’t they just let that dept keep that 5k and carry over to the next year? If they keep coming up with a 5k balance every year then discuss reducing the budget or maybe upgrading something that affects that dept specifically? ie overtime budget? Upgrading equipment? Anything along those lines.


Jpiff t1_j4rsza7 wrote

It depends on the employee. If they get enough complaints of the same nature they’ll do something because a supervisor will get involved. I’ve had so so luck with it. Sometimes they get there in an hour other times I’ve had them take 4 plus hours. I only know this because they send a notice when they close out your complaint


Jpiff t1_izex6j8 wrote

Has anyone used WOTS app? It’s suppose to generate a complaint in parking authority or whatever division needs to address it. I’ve used it in the past seems to be hit or miss. Sometimes they address it quickly other times 6-8 hours before they do anything


Jpiff t1_izaqlz6 wrote

If you’re looking for the glass suction cup handle. (Not really necessary) they have them super cheap at harbor freight


Jpiff t1_izapsdm wrote

Go on eBay and get a used one. And I just replaced that same window on my civic. A lot easier than you’d think if you’re strapped for cash