JuRiOh t1_j8rpsng wrote
Reply to Just finished season 1 of True Detective, would like some more stuff exactly like that please. by Mally_Mac
Wouldn't we all.
JuRiOh t1_j6dhisd wrote
Reply to 9 lives by PewPewAnimeGirl
That's not high for a cat. I remember my mom's cat being scared by the noise of the moving people when we moved to a different apartment, and she straight up jumped from the 6th floor balcony "into safety". That's ~25m without injuries. Supposedly they can survive 60+ meters or 200feet with little to no injuries but I have not witnessed that myself.
JuRiOh t1_j3383o5 wrote
Reply to comment by Ikkon in [OC] Country Distribution of Top 500 Companies by Market Capitalization by chartbear
World war 2 was a huge setback. The comeback is often even called the "economic miracle".
US Market share is getting carried by silicon valley.
Also generally: Large population x High GDP = High Market capitalization
JuRiOh t1_iumcqxh wrote
Reply to comment by Welshguy78 in Highest Grossing Horror Movies of All Time [OC] by takeasecond
Warners Bros.
Always comes with huge advertisement/marketing campaigns.
JuRiOh t1_iumc939 wrote
Reply to comment by dog_eat_god in Highest Grossing Horror Movies of All Time [OC] by takeasecond
Shining was only about 45m, which is around 150m when adjusted for inflation. Still wouldn't be on there.
Jaws however, which is already on the list, would have grossed over a billion. Pretty impressive.
JuRiOh t1_isb8a2f wrote
70% tax rate to 16% tax rate.
*Cough* Ireland. *Cough*
JuRiOh t1_iryjsfi wrote
Reply to New York residents who don't want to choose a gender can now choose "X" as a gender marker on a New York State license by maxcrazy
How is this uplifting exactly? Complete and utter madness.
JuRiOh t1_jcci7t7 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Baron___ in [OC] "The Last of Us" S1 episodes rating by IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes by Probio
I believe because it didn't really advance the plot very much. Most people will have been hooked after the first two episodes to wait an entire week and... nothing really happens.
Don't get me wrong, I think the episode was great, but I also waited until all episodes were out to watch them all at once so it didn't bother me much and I could just enjoy it knowing that there is more but I can see that some people are unhappy with an episode like that who will have to wait another week to see the story advance.