
JustAZeph t1_iw8gujw wrote

K strategy seems counterproductive to an insects main strengths. Small resource investment. Short life/death cycle for high evolutionary adaptations. (With these two things in mind, getting vast numbers created greatly amplifies your adaptive ability, like a virus)

And it would be a drawback when you consider their weaknesses. Given their size they have little ability to control their temperatures, pressures, and other things. So their ability to keep “homeostasis” is very negligible, which is their main downfall. Heavily investing in one area or one offspring and NOT spreading as rapidly as possible is inherently counterproductive to their survival chance.

As an analogy, I’ll equate it to us. Imagine how much our survival chances would increase if we got off this planet and had other planets that also could spread life? Focusing on just this one is a death sentence, as every couple 1,000,000 years, life ending threats happen.


JustAZeph t1_iuiir17 wrote

All you need to understand is that in different environments matter behaves differently.

This forms a complex web of rules we call chemistry. I do not know half of the rules, and don’t enjoy studying it, but it’s essentially a study of how these base particles can build up to form these complex geometric patterns and small forces that always want to try and follow these rules.

Pressure, temperature, mass, composition, scale, molecular structure, atomic structure, and loads of other shit all affect these rules. Like, Oxygen at x temperature will want to turn to liquid. Oxygen at x temperature will turn gas. Oxygen at x pressure will want to be liquid. Well, it gets more complicated when they interact with eachother, as temperature and pressure are related. This gets even more complicated once you factor in that you aren’t just dealing with one type of element, and that elements also have rules with how they interact with eachother. Ex:Oxygen at x temperature and hydrogen at x temperature bond together to form water, which also does different things at different temperatures.

This can get insanely complex insanely fast. But the rules all must be followed. Sometimes this sets up a row of dominoes than can get knocked over because all of the rules line up in a way that cause a lot of this matter/bond stored energy to be released.

By exposing heat to this food, you can start a reaction that sustains itself like wood on fire.

Once you get that initial starting flame to burn, and as long as you keep giving enough molecules to burn, the wood at certain temperature pulls oxygen apart to create a different compound which is a little chemical reaction. A lot of times there are many chemical compounds created as it’s not easy to get a completely pure molecular compound. Smoke, ash, infrared heat, all of it is dispersed.

The overall governing rules that explain these things are the Laws of Thermodynamics, like conservation of energy. If you want to understand this better, spend time focusing on videos explaining chemical reactions and the laws of thermodynamics. Those are your googleable terms.