
JustAnotherVeggie t1_j5suphl wrote

>I just want some opinions on the situation 👍

And yet, in the edit to you own post, asked, in full disbelief and a heaping audacity, asked "Do people actually care this much."

When every single comment you've replied to has been something sarcastic, unwitty and enthusiastically entitled, I feel you should, seriously, seek therapy. Not sure how you wanted opinions when all you've done is, to your little credit, make embarrassingly hilarious attempts to do your "best" to clap back at people for a response.

I will also put it plainly, yes, that is ragebait, because obviously you're only replying to make people angry. You sound bitter and I hope the years are as good to you as you give out to people because, kindly speaking, you deserve that.


JustAnotherVeggie t1_izkdxia wrote

So, as a trans person, I feel I can speak on this. Gender identity is still something everyone is trying to figure out. I took a long 6 years for my own research and trying to figure out who I am. No amount of self research can "cure" me but it does help me understand myself.

I've learned I don't identify with any particular gender, but the thought how things make me feel. I don't find clothes or looks to be gendered but, for sociatel reasons, I have to say I do. I'm agender and I choose to display as adrogynous. People have different experiences. Sometimes we need help with second opinions but if OP is cofident with themselves, they don't need anyone telling them anything.