
Jv1856 t1_j2fcmmk wrote

I had the pleasure of riding along in an Aircrat Carrier across the Atlantic that was riding north of 60 knots, had to get a head wind for some jets, and were riding directly in line with some very heavy tail winds. Other than the vibration of motors, it wasn’t much different.


Jv1856 t1_it9xdqe wrote

  1. because it never happens, it’s always targeted at everything BUT Corporations.

  2. if corporations were doing their part, the rest wouldn’t even be needed. This is global, so needs to include China. But the energy consumption of the worlds corporations was collectively reduced even 15%, it would vastly surpass the world’s loftiest goals to reverse climate change.

Same thing with income tax(American): up to 1913, America was funded almost entirely from corporate taxes. In the 40s, it reached another level. Now today it’s almost the inverse, funded mostly by citizens. If corporations were taxed at the pre-war levels, they could fully fund the current post-secondary tuition bill, nationalized healthcare, and enough left over to start paying down the national debt, all with $0 income tax to the individual citizen.

Further, we no longer incentivize investment back into the company as a tax write-off like it was even a decade ago. This is to encourage stock buyback and consolidation, putting more money into billionaires pockets from the hands of the middle class.

  1. China. Full stop. They don’t give a shit and account for something egregious like 88% of all pollution and energy inefficiencies. Nothing is sacred over their except for power, control, and ¥¥¥.

Individuals should fight tooth and nail to resist this to put the onus back where it belongs.


Jv1856 t1_it9jzjn wrote

Yes they should, bc this shit isn’t the problem. The problem is places like my old company that are using 40yo electric motors at 37% more draw than a contemporary motor. It works, so they’ll run it in to the ground. The power that place uses is 200x more than the rest of the town combined. Now think about the fact that there are 11 other manufacturing sites in that town, most (if not all) of which are at least as dated. And they all get a lower rate per kWh than residents. The municipality is just as bad too.

But yeah, focus on the consumers….