
KCC416 t1_j1x7l77 wrote

Remember all gun control is racist and any human being belongs in prison who destroys or injures government employees, property, other people. Weather it’s the Jan incident or the 2020 summer of love social justice protests. Have fun with the new Governor..


KCC416 t1_j1w59h8 wrote

He should go to jail along with the rioters that trespassed and destroyed the federal building/ Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. Those leftist terrorists belong in prison just as much as this guy. Anyone involved in the capital incident belong in prison


KCC416 t1_j0ra7jb wrote

Energy costs are the only thing I am really getting a head on since I moved down south…. Everything else “balances out” cost wise because I get paid less.


KCC416 t1_j0ndt33 wrote

One big point the liability of your license and if you mess up ala Vanderbilt nurse… I still think she should have lost her license……. But criminal charges……… also begging the question if the hospital weren’t such AH about staffing would she have even Been in this situation.

I tell to outsiders of nursing….. if you work say construction and it’s pre COVID… does one trade do the jobs of three other trades with one or two people on a Job site…. No because it’s unsafe inefficient and not cost effective… and nothing gets done…. Then call backs happen (hey Bob the plumber/CNA your pipes are leaking).. hey roofer/guy who can’t focus on the roof he built which now less because the phone keeps ringing with patient families since god for bid they hire a 24/7 nurse case manager act as a liaison so the staff nurse can do their job.

And finally let’s get rid of the old school foreman on the IV team… who fix things and get things done… oh well… let’s hire a bunch of muppet 20 year old new grads who will just give up and play on their phones all shift


KCC416 t1_iznwtd9 wrote

But the original mission was for the ministry to serve the sick without all those nonsense $$$ politics. It is true that Saint Vincent’s does not perform abortions and won’t prescribe BCP on the campus from what I heard. There is actually a clause that the Catholic Church could buy back the hospital but it would be impossible $ wise. The whole point of going to the hospital and being treated like your family is long long gone due to short staffing and very heavy regulations. Up to including excessive duplicative charting.


KCC416 t1_izlnqo3 wrote

It’s all about the money they have share holders and only answer to them it’s never about quality safe patient care. Ever since the early 90s the MNA has struggled to deal with these dummies of the company that runs Saint Vincent’s sad very sad especially all the old ladies who think it’s the “catholic hospital”


KCC416 t1_iwnuvof wrote

When I lived in Holden after a storm ended and clean up was done all of Holden's roads perfect. Going to Worcester via Salisbury street days after the storm by Assumption that hill into Worcester.. was very scary.. always slippery and I almost hit a bunch of college kids "sledding" in the middle of the road at 10:30 PM at night on my way to work.