
KJ19912018 t1_j5m87es wrote

Definitely second this! I called last week and was able to get matched with a therapist that sounds like a good fit, and was able to make an appointment within the week. They were really helpful in searching for a therapist that met my needs which I had trouble doing on their website. Calling is harder but probably worth it if you can!


KJ19912018 t1_j1sr54z wrote

I'm sorry this is something y'all are needing now. Lap of Love is typically open later but it looks like their vets aren't available right now. I'm not sure if it's worth calling to double check in case I'm understanding it incorrectly.


Loving Kindness edit is available until the 31st but they don't open until 7:30am


This sucks and I'm really sorry you and your cat are having to go through this right now.