
KMjolnir t1_j9m8hs5 wrote

War has an odd habit of accelerating change and technology. It took a war to get us from flying as seeing as something inconvenient to intercontinental flight (World War 1). It took another war to get flying from 'convenience ' to 'get us to the moon' (World War 2). It took a war to show us the power of the atom, and harness it for nuclear energy (Again WW2). Hell, the Cold War gave us the internet (and therefore Reddit). A war to change how we view our common man (WW1 ended a lot of monarchies and was a great equalizer in many ways).


KMjolnir t1_iwta5a7 wrote

If you dislike my interpretation of the earlierc arguments, that's fine. If you have issues with the words I refer to, you can take it up with Miriam & Webster on the definition or Reddit user u/IamSauerKraut for simply adding fuel to the fire and being, we'll put this politely, misguided in their understanding.


KMjolnir t1_iwsoz7n wrote

Congress is used to refer collectively to the House of Representatives and the Senate, which are separately referred to as the "two houses". If they control the House of Reps, that is one house of Congress. It is entirely correct.


Literally from a dictionary: "Congress: a national legislative body, especially that of the US. The US Congress, which meets at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., was established by the Constitution of 1787 and is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives."


KMjolnir t1_iu622cs wrote

Surface vessels would be easier to reach and wouldn't need something that big. Water blocks a lot, and any large surface installation that could reach a sub would be gone. Reaching a nuckear-armed sub, from underground, would require something massive.