
KWilt t1_isobfmh wrote

In most cases? Probably not. But then I return back to 'looks bad for a commonwealth attorney's election bid'. That form has to go on file and has to have a docket number, so it's not going to magically disappear into a shredder. And if a mirth of dropped prosecutions into trespassing suddenly gets handed to the incumbent attorney's opponent, that's great fodder for saying the incumbent doesn't mind complete strangers stalking around the houses of the citizens of the Commonwealth and committing crimes. That attack ad is practically writing itself.


KWilt t1_iso8udo wrote

Bro, what part of 'private criminal complaint system' and 'commonwealth attorney' didn't you understand? You do realize you file that at a court house, not a police station, right?

You wanna tell me anywhere on this document where it says anything about the police at all?


KWilt t1_iso6nv3 wrote

Good thing there's a private criminal complaint system in PA, so the police can go fuck themselves if they decide they don't want to investigate.

And sure, the commonwealth attorney can dismiss the filing, but there's a little subsection the have to fill out in doing so, so it has to go on the docket that they were given evidentiary proof that a crime was committed on private property and they decided not to pursue an investigation, which I'm sure would be great fodder for their opponents come the next election cycle.

But hey, I guess I'm the fool for actually knowing the legal system in our state. :)