
Kapot_ei t1_iy2kdyw wrote

I did explain you they did tell a Russian warship to F itself after being bombed with missiles, knowing they only had grenades and rifles.. knowing and having been threatened with bombing.

Hours later, when they got jumped several to one and they were standing there russians aiming asaultrifles at them from meters away, they surrendered.

Know when to quit, the only other thing to do was tell them "i die for country"

If you can't understand that, you're either ZuZpiciouZly unwilling or mentaly unable to. Either way, discussion is useless.

>because reddit is a propagana spewing websit

Free world is against Russian oppression and it's apologists, a true shock to us all, who would've thought?


Kapot_ei t1_iy2ivwr wrote

I did, when i told you they did tell a Russian warship to F itself after being bombed with missiles, knowing they only had grenades and rifles.. knowing and having been threatened with bombing.

Hours later, when they got jumped several to one and they were standing there russians aiming asaultrifles at them from meters away, they surrendered.

Know when to quit, the only other thing to do was tell them "i die for country"

If you can't understand that, you're either ZuZpiciouZly unwilling or mentaly unable to. Either way, discussion is useless.


Kapot_ei t1_iy0lg0r wrote

Well they did tell a Russian warship to F itself after being bombed with missiles, knowing they only had grenades and rifles..

They got swarmed and had the only other option to die.

They made the smart choice, doesn't diminish that they did tell a Russian warship to F itself after being bombed with missiles, knowing they only had grenades and rifles..

Dying is nog a requirement for being a hero.

Or are you willing to emphasise on them surrendering, while leaving out the part where they tell a Russian warship to F itself after being bombed with missiles knowing they only had grenades and rifles, for a different agenda??

Tbh, your repeated questioning in the comments of what makes up heroism in this case IS kinda sus tho, resulting in your downvotes.


Kapot_ei t1_iy074qw wrote

Well i'm gonna be that guy and play devils advocate here a bit..

World war 1.

After it ended and Germany was heavily sanctioned and punished, their military on chains and it's pride caged. It contributed into an excellent climate for somebody like Hitler to gain power. He was able to do so because he could blame everything bad on groups of people(in this case, the jews) and was able to rally an entire hungry and poor nation behind madness because of it. We all know this resulted in world war 2 down the road.

I'm NOT saying Russia should be forgiven easily or being let "off the hook", i'm NOT denying Russia is the agressor. By all means Russia should be removed from Ukraine and help rebuild Ukraine. The current leaders absolutely should be removed and made to answer for what they've done, as should their war criminals.

But.. never returning to normal relations again.. keeping the sanctions in place.. "make them pay for all eternity", place 3 generations of punishment on them(familiar?).. as i read people calling for.

Do we really want to raise the next generation of young Russians that have NO choise in current affairs with hate for us? To rally together and unleash somebody worse than Hitler against the entire world? Is it not better to help them find their moral compass instead?