
KarroSen t1_j22ydqe wrote

There was always ethnic tension. Or did you forget about the Chetniks in Serbia who felt betrayed and in the end brought the end of Yugoslavia. Or maybe the Ustasa who hated Serb and Bosnian alike because they wanted to create a greater Croatia. Tito had managed to keep the country in one piece because he knew how to compromise and satisfy all the parts.

Cherry picking at your convenience is neither reflective of the historical background or to the argument I brought forward.


KarroSen t1_j2152ey wrote

That is the issue in the Balkans though. The Balkans have been at war with itself for the last 300 years. The Austrians, Turks, Hungarians and what not have fanned the fires of discontent in order for them to held the regions under their grasp and they well knew the effects. It’s in the cultural fabric of the countries comprising the region at this point in time and sadly, until the standard of living increases and the painful chapters are discussed and accepted, the status quo will remain.