
Kathony4ever t1_ix58mnd wrote

I always read "out loud" in my head. I've heard you can read faster if you don't. But, I don't know if that's always better. When I try to speed read, my comprehension goes way down. (I've actually heard that that's pretty common.) I'm the opposite of you. I need to "hear" the words to fully comprehend them. Which is strange, because I also have trouble comprehending when I'm read to. I can't do audio books, because my brain does not compute. I don't pretend to understand it.

Of course, I also have ADHD, dyscalculua, and who knows what else. My brain is very strange.


Kathony4ever t1_ix56oqn wrote

Neither can I. Well, I can wen I'm not reading. Scenes of my novels or fanfics will play out like movies in my head. But then I have trouble putting it into words. And vice versa. When I read, I have trouble visualizing. Even when reading fanfiction of t.v. shows, where there are specific people, that I know what they look like. I will hear dialogue in the actors' voices, but won't actually see them. There's a disconnect between words and pictures for me.


Kathony4ever t1_ivwe335 wrote

I failed this year's goal so miserably that I deleted it. Next year I'm going to set a page goal. Somewhere in the 25-50 pages a day range.

I also have a separate goal that I won't be tracking through Storygraph, to read one chapter of a writing craft book a day. I'm currently failing that one, as well...