
Katze71 t1_j6p74rx wrote

When they first came in, they died during a snowstorm. A lean and fit male at the time. Very healthy and fit for the time. I checked their life out since it was one of my earliest clients. To remember the moment, I took a picture with them. Luckily space and time works differently here so I had a camera with me from his future.

His picture still sits on my desk and I sent him on his way to live a few years after his previous death. Never looked back at him until many years later. This time they died giving child birth. Apparently they came back as a women in their second life. I instantly knew it was them since the client information was on record. She ended up talking a lot more than previous.

"Oh hey! It's you"! She said as she was guided to my office.

"Wait you remember me? That's a first". I said as I wrote down notes in my notebook. My red skull pen sparkled in the soft light. A gift from Death. "So you died bringing life into the world correct"?

"Yea.... I was born small and my hips were terrible for childbirth". She said with a sigh. Leaning back in the chair before looking up at me.

"I see, it says you were 5'3 ft in your folder". I then pulled out some paperwork and began filling it out. "So reincarnation #K264, are you ready to go back to Paris"?

"Ummm... like an date or....." She picks up the pen and signed the paper.

Moments later she disappears with a flash of light as soon as she finished signing. As does every client of mine when they return back to the world.

"Wait what did she say?"

They would come back a total of 24 times after that. Everytime they spent more time talking with me. Eventually I began talking with them as I waited for them to sign the paper. I long lost my sense of time with this job since it doesn't exist in my office. However one time I did set a timer. Not sure if it was correct since it said weeks went by as we talked.

They sparked enough of an interest for me to decide to dig into their files. After doing some research, I notice they were seriously depressed during their lives. I wanted to know more and began digging deeper. Even going through my massive amount of files of other clients to find anyone related to or close friends with them. There was nothing.

Then the possibility that they were trying to reincarnate on purpose came to mind. After pulling some files I noticed that she was almost always never a fit for heaven or hell. Meaning she had to come to me in order to relive their life so they can go either way.


"Why don't you just ask them"? Death asked me during one of our tea breaks.

"Thats.... actually really smart. Hopefully I can, they may end up going somewhere else". I said as I sipped my tea. The cup having Chinese designs on it. A gift from one of my clients that did pottery.

"If they are purposefully coming here to reincarnate then they would know". She would stand up and stretch. "Well, I have to get going. There's a war brewing".


Some time had pass since then. They had finally returned after a full life for once.

"You died of old age? Thats a first". I said, prepared with a list of questions.

"Yea, nothing crazy happened for once"! They stood up and laughed. Then sat back down holding their back.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Before we reincarnate you I have some question". I looked down at my notes. "Why do you always end up here to be reincarnated"? I looked up, tapping my pen on the desk.

"Oh that's really simple actually! You still owe me a date"! They said, leaning in close.


Katze71 t1_j27tru4 wrote

"Jessica, I told you that I'm scared of your dad"! I yelled from the downstairs laundry room.

"I told you, he's just a sweet heart. He's been dying to meet you". Jessica walks down the stairs with a basket of clothes.

Walking over to her to grab the basket. "Still, he just seems like that one bad guy from a heist game".

Jessica groans as she grips the basket. "It's always you and video games! You should really get off that game and come follow along my cooking lessons. Isn't that right chef Dianna".

I chuckle and shake my head. "You know I have my connections in video games. I defeated Satan after all in cod"! I quickly take the basket and put the clothes into the washer. "So hard in fact that he came to me for a job offer"!

She stares at me before turning around to go back up stares. "But when you start cooking for the devil is when I start believing that story"! Jessica would stand at the corner and yell from the top of the stares. "Well just come back up here and you can teach me how to cook"!

After finishing the laundry and setting the basket with the others, I began walking up the stares. Grabbing the remote to the radio and fumbles with it as I find the volume controls. Turning down the music as I walk into the kitchen.

"Soooo, I found out what we are making today"! Jessica slides her tablet across the counter. Stopping just in front of me.

Putting the remote down as I use my free hand to put on my classes. "Gumbo? Southern cooking? Don't think I have ever made that".

"Oh its really good! When I went to a restaurant on a trip to New Orleans and it served me a bowl of it"! She smiled brightly as she looks over me as I read more.

Often made with sausage, chicken and shrimp, Gumbo is very diverse in its selection of ingredients that can be used. This creole style of food is the result of many cultures mixing together in one important southern state

"Well, it seems like a lot of work". I said as I slide the page down to read the directions.

Jessica moved away from behind me and went to the fridge. Pulling out some bags. "Hey Dianna"! She says trying to get my attention.

I look up and sees Jessica with her arms piled with bags of ingredients.

"I already got all the ingredients we need"! She looks at me and gave me a goofy smile.

"Well I hope the devil loves sea food because it seems like we are going to be making more after this". I laugh and look down at the tablet to make plans for tomorrow night.

"Yes! I knew you were going to bring him up. I also got some really spicy seasoned shrimp since hell is meant to be hot". She throws the bag onto the counter. "If you gonna keep up the devil then I'm going to make you eat spicy food".

"Hey! That's unfair! You know I hate spicy foods"! The memories of Jessica tricking me into eating a ghost pepper came back. "There will be a separate pot without the spicy shrimp for later consumption"!


Katze71 t1_iuojihm wrote

"What? Why are you so surprised"?

"You are telling me that you are Miss Pebbles? Jeez I was bad at coming up with names". Andy said as he stares at the spirit.

"Why yes! I also like you to know that I really do love the name you gave me"! The spirit spoke as it floats around Andy.

"Do rocks even have souls"? Being so baffled at the thought. "I never heard of someone having a rock spirit"!

"Well only when one is given a name. Plus they only become your guide if they were properly taken cared of". Pebbles folded their arms as it sits in the air.

"The only reason I took such good care of the rock was because my mom told me that if I could take care of a rock so well that she would let me have a living pet of my own". Andy then stopped, looking at the spirit as he felt like the truth would hurt its feelings.

Pebbles tilted it's head as it looks at him. "Why yes I know, I was there. I must say, buttercup was a very pretty kitty". The spirit giggled as it looks over at the broken parts of the rock. "All that for you to get a kitten. I must say, I trained you well".

"You aren't mad"? He stood up and walks over to the pieces. Picking one up.

"I'm very proud of you. You grew up to be a very fine young man. I'm looking forward to being your spirit guide". Pebbles would smile and give him a hug.