
KayaXiali t1_j5se3ag wrote

I don’t have a song recommendation but I am a mom and I just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re going through this, you don’t deserve it and I’m proud of you for looking for peace and solace through music, that’s such a healthy and mature thing to do.


KayaXiali t1_j2edj9f wrote

My husband and I were approaching 40 and had 2 children. While I would have loved a third, he just did not want a larger family so I respected that and asked him to get a vasectomy. He refused and I respected his bodily autonomy and didn’t fight it. I did tell him “well that’s fine for me because I would love a third child so I’m not getting on birth control and you will need to be responsible for condoms”. He enthusiastically agreed.

Aaaaaaand that’s the story of how I ended up giving birth to my third child at 40.