
KayakHank t1_j6ddl8f wrote

I get my well water tested yearly for pH and Pb through Agra environmental.

They come out, collect samples from sinks and then email me the results. Then I have suburban morris adjust the acid neutralizer and filters to keep it tip top.

I'm sure you could ask Agra to run a complete test


KayakHank t1_j61fcnr wrote

Usually go to sussex meat packing once a month. That runs about 2-300 for all the chicken, beef and pork for the month. Keep it frozen then pull dinner out of the fridge at lunch and put it in a bowl of water on the counter. It's room temp by dinner.

Costco runs occasionally for snacks, paper goods. Shampoos and household goods. Those can be 2-300 dollar trips. Maybe once every other month.

Then groceries run under 100/week for my wife and I. Usually just things like fresh veggies, fruits, breads, canned goods, salad...

My go-tos are oranges, onions, limes. Make a chicken marinated out of those. Onions also work with hoagie/turkey sandwiches and wraps. Put them in a salad too. Some beyond burgers or in chicken salad. I normally just make a salad, some sort of protein, and a canned side for dinner. Then some type of sandwich or salad for lunch. Then there's always a pasta, some sort of sauce, and a garlic bread for something quick and easy.

Then we mix it up with frozen pizzas, lasagna, potpies.. just something you toss in the oven.

Grocery costs don't really bother me if it costs us $100 to go eat at a resturant. 100 for a week of food is nothing in my book


KayakHank t1_j61d7lv wrote

If you have any high interest debt, pay that off.

Max out 401k.

Most people can't get past that.

For tax management on the funds you received. Contact a tax guy.

I use Steven Lissner company in Mountain Lakes


KayakHank t1_j2dzbvn wrote

I'd be pissed if I did 1 of 7 very simple things with very detailed instructions on what you need and people continually come in without their power bill or proof of residence, or things from the wrong point value column for a real ID. Or an unsigned bill of sale.

For real, just read the website. Do the thing.

On the other hand, the workers do these thing 100 times a day, and the average person goes once every 4 years or so. There is a knowledge gap. Then people ask if they have to correct their mistakes and come to the front of the line or wait again. Then tempers flair.