
Kayakingtheredriver t1_ix7hkmw wrote

There is no situation where the president is not authorized when it comes to information. That is the problem with how it is written. The president has the ultimate authorization when it comes to information. As such, while president, there is no punishment for the mishandling of information, giving it away or tweeting it on twitter. You can grasp at your process all you want. If there are no consequences for him not following them, and there are not, grasping at the process is all you can do. We all know he should follow the process, but the process isn't what gives him the power. The office does that, not the process. The process unfortunately, is for everyone else. The proof is in the pudding, there are no charges or criminal investigations regarding this tweet. There would be if what you were arguing were true.


Kayakingtheredriver t1_ix2p2yh wrote

Lol, you provided an example why it is wrong when he was no longer president. As president he had all the authorization. This has never been about Mar a Lago. The subject is the tweet he made as president and how that tweet made the classification of the material contained moot. It was now public record whether intelligence agencies liked it or not, and the president has the authorization to release it so there are no mishandling charges possible.


Kayakingtheredriver t1_ix28jx4 wrote

No, Trump is being investigated for mishandling documents after he left the presidency. Nothing he did with documents while president is prosecutable. The second he was no longer acting president is when laws were broken, not until. This specific case we are discussing was 1 year into his presidency. We may not like that a president can release highly classified information directly to Vladimir Putin (effectively outing Israeli sources), but Trump did it, because he could, and beyond impeachment, there is no solution. As such, the president is ultimate decider of who needs to know. Releasing it to Twitter, as sitting president, there is no legal remedy. It was legal because as executive, he was the ultimate decider that information should be out there. It is the same reason Kushner was getting access to documents his clearance level didn't yet allow because of the myriad financial ties he had to outside countries/entities. He got the access to the information because trump said he should have access. Same thing.


Kayakingtheredriver t1_ix21smg wrote

A president can release information anyway they wish. There is a reason he isn't being prosecuted for this specific case. A president, much to your chagrin, can do what they want with information while president. Maybe that is a rule we as a country can change, and should change, but there is no criminal liability as president for mishandling of information. We can all say he mishandled it, but president is the one position, in which mishandling isn't a criminal/liability situation. AS such... a president is allowed to do with information what they wish, like tweet it without any risk of criminality. Once done, the security level of the secret released is moot. It is in the public domain by presidential decree. Similar to releasing it on the floor of congress. Once done, it just is.


Kayakingtheredriver t1_ix146mi wrote

The president (while in office) has the power to share information with whomever they choose. It isn't that the president declassified the document by sharing it with Twitter. He did effectively raise every twitter user's classification level to whatever level this document is, specifically regarding this single document, though. By legally putting it into the public domain, its classification level became a moot point. As much as we may not like it, the president does have the executive power to share any information.
