
KelBowie t1_j1y0kye wrote

I think TechyDad is right on the money with his suggestion. Chicken broth wouldn’t be nonexistent, but it would be more expensive. It would be more economical to keep your own chickens for eggs and replace them every two years when they start to slow down on laying. Retiring egg chickens don’t make great meat, but they do make great broth. There should also be more small farms doing that on the scale of a few hundred chickens at a time, not a hundred thousand chickens all in one building in cages where they can barely move around and they never get to act like a chicken.


KelBowie t1_j1xvwwn wrote

Cuisine would very likely change to just be more like vegan food. Mushrooms make good broth flavoring. They have some very cool tricks.

As far as should we? Livestock animals have more purpose than just meat/dairy to eat. In regenerative agriculture they can as a portion of a crop rotation system that improves the quality and quantity of vegetable production with the bonus of a meat crop, and this can be managed in a way that honestly shouldn’t make a vegan angry if it’s done right. Those animals should be treated as well as pets, or even better because they earn our deepest gratitude by feeding us.

If we want to stop climate change and prevent food shortages then it would be a very good idea to stop farming the way we currently do before we hit the point where the food shortages happen. We should only have a few large farms that grow corn and soybeans, and we should change the subsidies to only support the farms that keep ecological diversity and sustainability in mind.

If you want to read more about this kind of stuff look up people like Joel Salatin (polyface micro) and Jesse Forest (no till growers).


KelBowie t1_ivfowtn wrote

I feel like this isn’t supposed to be strippers, but it instantly transported me back to memories of that kind of dressing room. They’re usually kind of run down and I’m sure there’s one somewhere that looks just like this. The eyes in her shoulder feel like a representation of some trauma she’s carrying as a result of peoples perception of her.


KelBowie t1_ist5pyi wrote

A cold is a virus, w/ variants, as many explained above you could get other viruses. Also! It would in no way protect you from a bacterial type infection, and it could make one more likely to take hold on your nasal passages (sinus infection) or brachial passages (bronchitis).

As a kid, I was the person who got a sinus infection after every cold. It’s much better nowadays and I also get far fewer colds because I am much better at germ avoidance than I was in school.