
KentSmashtacos t1_jas2ion wrote

Several points.. Why couldn't the EPA simply require payment for the necessary supplies and costs to perform said tests in-house by charging NS the bill. Seems obvious.

The background dioxin contamination would likely be recorded in surrounding areas by referencing commercial farms that perform regular soil tests.


KentSmashtacos t1_j9t7jug wrote

They have only tested for compounds of direct combustion, as if the burnoff was done in a laboratory setting.

Please explain then about the lack of reporting on products of incomplete combustion formed under the presence of chlorine ions, namely the potential for dioxins, furans, and persistent toxins that could have been deposited in the soil anywhere downwind of the burnoff.

Water and air tests are ineffective at recording exactly what was released since "obviously" they are fluids. In a week, they're one place next week, they move downstream.

There hasn't been nearly enough transparency of data or proper sampling to come to any conclusions about the safety and what all byproducts have been produced. For all we know, this could have been the biggest dioxin release in recorded history(unlikely) , but due to lack of testing, nobody knows.

This introduces unnecessary uncertainty into the equation that should have been resolved by now with proper testing.


KentSmashtacos t1_j9sku98 wrote

Most people think the war is the good fight, de-escalation and triage are bad words.

There's been an inundation of people repeating water fine, pgh is too far away, and ignoring the potential long-term effects of persistent toxins being deposited in the soil that feed the greater Pittsburgh area.

Good luck. We need better independent journalism in the US.


KentSmashtacos t1_j2uwqdt wrote

This is my thought as well, shouldn't you be in jail anyway for a substantial time after vehicular manslaughter. It seems like anyone who serves such a sentence only to be released and owe massive debt is going to have zero incentive to work. Likely a jail bum for life, which doesn't seem to fix anything.

Also in cases where the individual has other child support obligations, doesn't this likely reduce the chances of any payment to zero.

Families should be entitled to a wrongful death settlement, child support shouldn't apply to this at all as it seems to cause more issues than solutions.