
Khontis t1_jdab6a1 wrote

No totally I get what you're saying but in all honesty we might as well be asking a puppy dog to rule the kingdom.

Now don't get me wrong- my older brother ((May his soul rest in peace)) was a great father and a greater man and you can see that in my nephew's attitudes. My nephew is Kind and loving. He'll run up and randomly hug a servant and tell them they're doing a good job scrubbing the floors just because my brother taught him to appreciate what others do for you.

Admittedly though, he is a five year old. He's well behaved, most of the time, but he's curious and he'll go looking into places he shouldn't ((I'm not talking about some 'forbidden lair' mind you. My late SIL, his mother, was speaking with some of the servants and he managed to get away from all five of them and found his way into one of the weapon's lockers where only by the quick action of a corporal did he manage to not cut his hand open or worse trying to grab a sword because it 'looked like Daddy's'))

He'll throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way ((as most toddlers his age do)) and he's intentionally done things like throw rocks at people or try to hit and kick because he 'can' or he's mad. All things anyone would try and break a five year old's habit of.

Now for responsibility. He has basic five year old responsibilities that we've tried to keep him up with since his parent's passing.

He's meant to pick up his toys and go out into the courtyard and pick up any sticks he finds and give them to the gardeners. He also has a puppy that he needs to take outside and play with and make sure is fed ((basic pet responsibilities))


All in all. My nephew is a kind child but in the scheme of things if you asked him about important things he'd have no idea what to do. He'd also be manipulated and tossed around by the high council. If I am King then everyone's power remains in check without anyone getting any 'bright ideas'

He is my nephew and someone I need to take care of and that also includes chosing what is best for a child unable to go to sleep without checking under his bed for monsters.


Khontis t1_j6syij2 wrote

That is crazy long.

Most hockey trade trees go at most a decade or so. Gretzky has the current longest trade tree in history.

This is one of many in depth trade trees to help put it into perspective of how insanely long it is