
KidKilobyte t1_jdovp2k wrote

Depends on the situation and the distance of the scene. In Gone With The Wind one of the huge injured battlefield scenes they had like 2 or 3 dummies per live person, and that person would secretly pull a couple of ropes to create movement in the dummies next to them. Seen from a distance it all looked quite real.


KidKilobyte t1_j969awq wrote

Once you said divine spark, the rest can be ignored. Give me a test for "Divine Spark" and maybe we can talk. You make a lot of assertions, none of which I agree with. Show me proof of what you are saying. I'm sure in your heart what you say all feels true, but this is because you are starting from an axiom that there is some specialness to having a soul, though you fail to articulate exactly what that specialness is other than to say machines lack it.


KidKilobyte t1_j5tc6mc wrote

Not if one human is producing as much as 10 or 100 humans without the LLM. Add to this LLMs will only get better and closer to AGI. The fact that LLMs get better makes it easier and faster to get to better LLMs in the future. At some point you won't need a human in the loop.


KidKilobyte t1_j5h4cwf wrote

This is not a stereoscopic gif. I’m pretty good at seeing these both crossed and uncrossed varieties. This is just the same image with the middle image reversed. Is anyone getting a good stereo effect from this, it seems unlikely this complex image would work out to just be reversed to create a 3d effect.

Edit. I thought about some more and think the images are perhaps rotated 90 degrees from proper orientation for 3d. Given the skinny nature of the images, perhaps they could be redone with a crossed image on top and an uncrossed image below. It would also seem likely the original would portray the orbit horizontally.

Edit 2. Back to thinking this is just the same image but reversed in middle. Original article shows image horizontally, but only one. Perhaps OP thought this would somehow create 3d.


KidKilobyte t1_j2bvpp7 wrote

Water is incredibly common in the universe and easy to make from other oxygen and hydrogen containing compounds. Comets are essentially giant snowballs.

Which leads to a huge gripe of mine with the first episode of Voyager. How could advanced space fairing civilizations have been at odds over not having water???


KidKilobyte t1_j1x77l5 wrote

I feel this needs just a little bit more. How about…

One of the horses in Young Frankenstein was named Mayo and when anyone said Frau Blucher Mayo neighs


KidKilobyte t1_j1i64tf wrote

I think there will be a lot of churn starting in 2023 that creates a lot of jobs as small startups figure how to do new things or compete with old players, but by 2024 lots of companies will decide they need fewer people. Employment will still be low as there is churn, but wages will start to slide for jobs that used to be high pay. 2025 the great hollowing starts.


KidKilobyte t1_izpq23m wrote

In some ways to some extent all economic systems have their place. Governance is more important the the economic system it is built on. I would prepare yourself for a dangerous and possibly hard to make a living world in the short run with what is going on with AI. Be diversified economically, even own some gold that you have well stashed and available. In the long run (10-20 years) the AIs will give us what economic system benefits us best and is fair and it won't be recognizable as economics by us now. That is assuming we solve the alignment problem, or else we are all fucked.


KidKilobyte t1_iziv1v1 wrote

Initially when it still takes considerable resources to make a movie computationally expect all sorts of weird remakes and reimaginings with old stars substituted for new and new for old. Animations made as photo realistic, old classics made in modern settings. Many people will actually like this fair as it will give them a thread of the familiar to cling to in an increasingly strange world.


KidKilobyte t1_izc5evg wrote

Nick Bostrom would like a word with you.

I will include the following quote from Contact:

We pose no threat to them. It would like us going out of our way to destroy a few microbes on some ant hill in Africa.

Interesting analogy. And how guilty would we feel if we went and destroyed a few microbes on an ant hill in Africa?


KidKilobyte t1_ix66ts8 wrote

Reply to comment by SupportstheOP in 2023 predictions by ryusan8989

Likely Meta thought they had a "good enough" ai to have first mover advantage with Galactica, but had to withdraw it after only 3 days due to poor reception. I doubt this will happen to GPT-4. It will be interesting to see how quickly others can catch up. I suspect Google/Alphabet has stuff even more powerful than GPT-4, but are not releasing it yet due to alignment issues or public reaction to jobs going away.


KidKilobyte t1_iw9vd9v wrote

Reply to comment by Rezeno56 in Ai art is a mixed bag by Nintell

Lieutenant Valeris : 400 years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines to stop them. Hence the word "sabotage."

Seems we are likely to see some of this again.

Edit: to be clear I don't condone sabotage, but without UBI we will undoubtedly see it occur. The future is always uncertain.


KidKilobyte t1_ivclcbp wrote

Add to this a computer algorithm could be less bias than an average human, but in the same role people will settle for nothing less than perfection from a computer. It also depends on how you define bias. If your analysis is based purely on economic data, then the bias you're decrying is not a bias, but a historic inequity that needs other remedies.


KidKilobyte t1_iv3mfb4 wrote

I actually heard an in person lecture by Freeman Dyson on this very issue and the only reason we build up order on earth is because there is an outflow of energy from the Sun that goes through the Earth and then is re-radiated the space. With out an incoming source of energy that flows to a lower lower place of order there is no building of order. Our gains in order are because the Earth is not a closed system entropy wise. Our order here is offset by disordered elsewhere. Eventually the suns will burn out and disorder will only increase — the heat death of the Universe.


KidKilobyte t1_iufatwn wrote

I think we are at the point where very soon AI helps create more powerful AI even if not fully self directed with one simple command. Much like more power CPUs made it easier to design the next generation of more powerful CPUs. So we are still at a point the humans still have to do a loft of lifting to get to next level, but the lift is getting easier and easier with each generation of AI. Things like AI discovering more effiecent math and neural network configurations.