
Kirball904 t1_iy74lug wrote

I would disagree to some extent. But thanks mostly to YouTube everyone is obsessed with sound being the most important thing about their build. If a board sounds great but is shit to type on it’s still a shit board. What irks me is that so many designers make boards with shit sound profiles because they know they can just throw in a tape mod and some foam to make up for their shoddy work.


Kirball904 t1_ixz57vw wrote

And there’s a bunch of people that have become elitists about calling people elitist and acting like elitists are running around actively trying to keep people out of the hobby. And that’s just simply not the case, no one wants to keep people out of the hobby. The more people in the hobby the more new manufacturers, vendors, designers there will be. This whole “elitist” thing is not an actual case of elitism or gatekeeping it’s just a way for people to put down those they don’t agree with.


Kirball904 t1_ixz45ne wrote

Doesn’t matter what you do if you aren’t suggesting clones and cheap knock offs or you tell people anything they don’t want to hear you will be called elitist. It’s a hypocritical irony the calling of people elitists has become this whole other group of people that act elitist about being on the side of the average person.


Kirball904 t1_ixz35za wrote

Lol, this sub has changed and it certainly hasn’t become more elite it’s become full of people that are actively ruining the hobby with support for clones and low cost rip-offs. I think what you are interpreting as elitism is people that have seen the same questions over and over for years and are tired of answering them.


Kirball904 t1_ix2oheu wrote

Reply to comment by gorgeous_hybrid in Small is bestest! by gelotuz

PCBs are pretty cheap though. You could probably find 4 people to cover the cost of the others. Finding someone that 3D prints or has a laser cutter wouldn’t be too difficult either.