
KishCom t1_j6nuddm wrote

> I have experience in programming neural networks

Me too!

> just maybe, the complex brain activity conjures a subjective experience

That would be lovely. Conway's Game of Life, "simple rules, give rise to complexity" and all that. I don't think there's enough flexibility in current hardware that executes GNNs to allow this though. The kind of deviation required would be seen as various kinds of errors or problems with the model.

> I think a submarine would win the olympics for swimming

This is something a language model would come up with as it makes about as much sense as inquiring about the marital status of the number 5.

> I also think you are naive to consider your consciousness anything more than a language model with some inbuilt sensory features.

I think you should meditate more, perhaps try some LSD. What Is It Like to Be a Bat anyway?

edit BTW: I hope I don't come off as arguing. I'd love to have a cup of coffee and a chat with you.