
KittyPrincessSally t1_ja7yk6z wrote

I have a rule that I will not start a series until it is finished because if I really like the first book I am just going to power through in the matter of months. However, my partner who is a writer said that's a bad rule to have because writers need you to buy their books because it funds and motivates them to keep the series going.


KittyPrincessSally t1_ja3gru2 wrote

I am putting off starting the Wheel of Time series, not because I don't want to or because I think the books are too big, but because of how many there are. I feel like it would be hard for me to maintain focus to read all of them and I imagine it will take a while and that's time I am not spending reading other authors that I want to delve into. I really want to read them but there are shorter fantasy series that I trying to knock out first.