
Kmulv1356 t1_j2ft1tq wrote

Reply to comment by buns85 in Maybe by [deleted]

Pretty much, yeah. But that happens with single player games as well. I was having trouble with something on a game and my dad asked to try but he had never even seen the game before. He tried and got past the part. This is why I’m asking if I should still be playing video games or if I should try to find something else to do.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fhcia wrote

Reply to comment by inmy_head in Maybe by [deleted]

Yes, exactly! This needs to be talked about but does anybody care about it? Nope, nobody will ever care about it. That’s the problem with it. Everybody thinks it’s normal so it never gets talked about.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fggtw wrote

Reply to comment by inmy_head in Maybe by [deleted]

You see? Right there! Online multiplayers cause mental health problems in both you and I and probably in tons of other people too. Why make those games if this is what happens when someone plays them? I don’t get it. The gaming world is stupid.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fecus wrote

Reply to comment by Shin-Gami in Maybe by [deleted]

I’d try them if I had a computer that could run them and the money to buy them. Right now I just have a gaming laptop with a 1650 graphics card.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fe7an wrote

Reply to comment by throughthespillways in Maybe by [deleted]

My life is already hell as it is. My grandfather died like 2 years ago, my neighbour doesn’t have long left to live because of lung cancer (we are pretty close friends), and I have ADD and I get distracted easily so I can’t stay on a single game for more then 10 minutes, plus I think I might have depression.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fdtcw wrote

Reply to comment by Shin-Gami in Maybe by [deleted]

Yeah, I guess. But the most I’ve ever played a single game for is like 10 minutes or so. I can’t find any good games anymore.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fdkbe wrote

Reply to comment by Simplynotthere24 in Maybe by [deleted]

That’s the thing. With fps games, I get pissed off when I die. with any other game, I get bored after 5 minutes. There is nothing for me to play anymore. I’ve tried VR too and it’s the same thing, bored after 5 minutes. Maybe it’s just because I have ADD but I feel like I can’t find a single game that I like to play anymore.


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fd3pa wrote

Reply to comment by Crimsonclaw111 in Maybe by [deleted]

The only games I like playing are games like “My Singing Monsters” or “Dragon City” or stuff like that. Is that bad? I feel like those are old people games. I feel like I have the brain of an old person.
